
Ashley Benson as Olive Martin

When Olive first started in High School she was invisible. She was really insecure and somehow she became friend with one of the popular girls. Now 2 years later she is the schools "It girl". She is almost together with Carter, one of the hottest guys in school. But after the summer he starts to act strange around here and she starts to wonder why.

Selena Gomez as Alison Hastings

Alison is one of the popular girls, she's afraid to do something stupid and her friends will turn their back against her. Over the summer she went to camp where she met Carter, the started going out and she even started to have feelings for him. But because of the fact that Olive, who is one of her bestfriends, is dating him she can't do anything about it. But one day Carter knocks on the door, telling her that he wants her.

Demi Lovato as Nicole Hudson

Nicole is always and will always be the friend who is there when needed. And she hates it. Nobody ever care about her feelings or about  her problems. But being the good friend she is, she doesn't mention it. She just goes with it, until one day when somebody tells her to stand up for herself.

Miley Cyrus as Spencer Wilson

Spencer is the clumsy and nervous one of the four girls. She can't flirt so she has not been on to many dates and she always talks to much. And when her best friend Olive sets her up on a date with the schools hottie Jordan she does exactly as she thought she would do, ruin it. But Jordan don't go away, he stays with her, making Spencer finally believe in herself.

Joe Jonas as Carter Jackson

Carter has it all, he's dating Olive, one of the popular girls in school and he has the friends. But during the summer he met this beautiful girl that he feel in love with. She was just what he always wanted, a cute girl who believed in herself. There is only one problem, she's Olives best friend, and when the school begins again he can't choose who he wants.