
Miley Cyrus-She always tries to see the best in people and belives what they say,she has a passion for singing and has a amazing voice ... in the begining she is more herself but as the story goes on she begins to lose herself and become someone she's not ..she becomes mean,manipilative,stuck-up.Will she be herself again ?
Selena Gomez-(normal) she has been best friends with miley for aslong as she can remember and would do anything for her.She is independent,strong,free-willed but on the inside vulnerable.

Alex Petifier-(popular) He is the 'MAN' at school, he is in the popular group at school and will do anything that Emma tells him to. he is misunderstood and his personality grows more in the story 
Emma Roberts-she is the school bitch.she would do anything to be on top.she doesn't belive in love.Every year she wins the talent show .she is mean.bitchy,manipulative,vunrable and sneaky
Logan Lerman-(taking nick's role)he is miley's long term boyfriend of 3 years he has always supported her in her dream of singing and s the one who convinced her to do the talent show this year. he is kindhearted,sweet,smart,and loves miley how she is.
Lucy Hale-(popular)She does everything she is told because she is scared that if she isn't popular ,she is nothing. she is kind,sneaky ,clever and misunderstood
Joe Jonas- (normal)He is also friends with miley,selena and logan.he always has stood up for miley and selena if anyone was mean to them. he is kind hearted,sweet,strong,caring,loving and very protective
Amanda Bynes-(popular)(emma's step sister)she has always dreamt of being a writer but is always put down by emma.she does everything that emma tells her to because she is older.She is known as the stupid one out of the group but is acctualy very creative,she is kind,vunrable,scared,alone,smart
Hilary Hemsworth-(normal)(Liam's Sister)is new to the school and joined the group of Logan,joe,miley and selena.she is very bitchy,sneaky,kind to the ones she cares about,strong and independent 
Cory Moneith-(popular)the average football jock,stupid follows the orders of emma because he wants to stay on top but is that the only reason ? .he is stupid,mean,dependent on the school and has is in love with someone.
Aaron Johnson-(popular)he has always hated logan with a passion ,so he constantly picked on him ,he has a secret crush on miley, caring on the inside.
Sophia Cyrus-(miley's sister)(not in school )she is still in collage studying fashion .she used to be the queen bee in highschool ,she is constantly giving miley advice.she is nice,loving,funny,energetic &outgoing
Nina Gomez-(selena's sister)(not in school)she left collage but is still staying at the family house because she can't find a job.her and sophia hated each other in highschool.she is very dependent on everyone else,vunrableand shy 
Liam Hemsworth-(popular)(hilary's brother)he is new like his sister but after joining the football team started to mix with the wrong crowd he has a crush on .................. ? but hides it . he is sweet,a bit mean,secretive
Jennifer Cyrus -(miley and sophia's mum)used to be popular at school and always there for her daughters,she is kind,a bit bitchy,loving and very caring